Mrs. Amy Burns
By Amy Burns
I have had the privilege of working at Ashland Theological Seminary as Administrative Assistant in the office of Advancement and Alumni Relations since October 1995. During that time, I have seen a lot of changes and have made a lot of friends, with one of my treasured friends being Dr. Luke L. Keefer. I kind of feel like the ATS historian around here as Luke was a well-known historian on the church.
From day one, Dr. Keefer insisted I call him Luke, so that’s what I had the privilege of calling him and knowing him as. Luke was one of my favorite professors here at ATS. You always knew where you stood with him, as he was transparent and spoke the truth. He was truly a man of his word and set such a Christ-like example for the whole Seminary community.
Luke could be talking deep theology one day and then talking about butchering pigs and hunting the next. I enjoyed the times when he and other faculty members would have theological debates by my office. I had the privilege of working outside Luke’s office for over 10 years. Those were good memories of comradery, community and learning for me. I felt like I received a seminary education as well as I learned so much from him and am blessed to have known him.
I would be remiss if I did not mention Luke’s dear, sweet wife Doris. Doris is a very kind, caring person who I immediately connected with as well. I honestly looked to Luke and Doris as another set of parents whom I could go to for advice. My husband and I had many fun Euchre parties with Luke and Doris and other seminary colleagues. They were both quite the competitors, and we all had some very fun times. Those are some very cherished memories.
One of the things I treasured most about Luke was the feeling of equality. He treated every person with the same amount of respect regardless of his/her position. When Luke spoke in faculty meeting or in any meeting, everyone really listened because he always had a lot of wisdom and truth to share. He would be very humbled that this October 2-3 Conference was in his honor. I’m sure Doris feels very honored and humbled as well.
I feel this would be a verse Dr. Keefer would share with us all if he were here today.
Final Greetings
11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
Mrs. Amy Burns serves as Administrative Assistant, Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations at Ashland Theological Seminary.
Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Luke Keefer Jr. will take place on Oct 2 and 3, 2015.
A wonderful well written article honoring a wonderful Christian example! Great job Amy Burns!
Amy, This is very well written & a great description of Luke & his wife Doris. Just before Luke was promoted to his Eternal home in Heaven..we were at a cookout at John & Jeanie’s. Luke had been in the hospital but was discharged in time to cook there to the cook out. I remember him running and totally enjoying himself there. So thankful he was able to be with us that evening and able to feel good enough to run and enjoy the game’s and fellowship. That was the last time i saw him. He truly displayed GOD’S love and was a great example to all of us. Thank you Amy for this celebration in his honor.