Amy Davies
By Amy Davies
Have you become the person that God has created you to be? Are you walking in your divine destiny? Some of us have graduated from seminary more recently than others, and yet, it is good to evaluate our ministry and our relationship with God to see if we are walking in the path that He has prepared and ordained for us. There is a process that we have to go through to become the men and women that God created us to be.
Seminary has been an essential part of our process of becoming who we were created to be. However, this process needs to be ongoing, ensuring that we are taking every opportunity to increase our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Scriptures and the ways of the Lord. One of the most important aspects of walking in your divine destiny is being content with who God created you to be. When you begin to see yourself through God’s eyes, from His divine perspective, you will begin to walk boldly in your unique calling.
The next question I would like you to contemplate is this: What did God have in mind when He made you? Why do you have that personality? Why do you have that loud, booming voice? Why do you have that cute smile? Why do you have your particular way with words? Why do you have that weird quirk? How is God using your unique gifts for His glory? What barriers are keeping you from being the man or woman of God that were designed to become? If you are not walking in your destiny, are you willing to prayerfully and honestly consider what is stopping you from becoming what God would have you be, or are you loyal to your dysfunction?
The way you speak, understand, and think will determine what you believe about yourself and what you believe God had in mind when He made you. Think about how your own words and actions affect your destiny.
God created you in love, and He has a specific purpose for your life. You have a destiny that is unique to you, for you are a unique and essential part of the body of Christ. Your calling is just as important as everyone else’s, and if you do not achieve your destiny, then the body of Christ suffers. I encourage you to take time out of your busy schedule each day to quiet yourself at the feet of Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to the innermost parts of your being.
Ask the Lord if your perception of who you are and who you were created to be needs to be tweaked in order to reflect the way that God adores you and created you to be. Your destiny is before you, waiting patiently for you to take that leap of faith, as you allow God to direct your steps into the tomorrow that He has ordained for you, His precious child.
May His peace flood your soul. May His Holy Spirit take over your mind and open your eyes to see yourself through the eyes of Jesus. Be blessed, dear friends, as you continue be transformed into who you were created to be, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Amy Davies is an Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation student at Ashland Theological Seminary.