
by Roberto Ponce.

RobertoPonceWelcome to the Table, our weekly blog from Ashland Theological Seminary.  We want this blog to serve as an online resource where people from different Christian traditions can “come to the table” to exchange ideas about life and ministry. We believe that all of us are called to serve in the Kingdom. Whether you are a full-time minister, a bi-vocational minister or a lay or business leader, this blog is for you.

At Ashland Theological Seminary our calling is to equip people for various roles in ministry. Whether is at a church, a nonprofit organization or in the marketplace.

At any given moment, we may have an opportunity to have a word of encouragement to anyone.  For instance, as a shepherd of a congregation you can provide encouragement to parents, when they have a sick child in the hospital. My wife and I shared an experience such as this, when our new born daughter underwent a major surgery a few years ago. Let me share with you how great it was to have the company of our pastor during the surgery. For him, it didn’t matter that it was very late at night on a weekday. He probably had a long day, yet he came to the hospital. I don’t recall what he said, but I remember that he prayed for us and that he provided reassurance and hope.


Life can be challenging. Maybe this is an understatement, but we know it to be true. As Christians, we can find hope knowing that God has a perfect plan for our lives. When we are feeling down as a result of financial issues, sickness or any other challenge that we might be facing, we need encouragement from our peers. I believe God uses godly people to lift us up. You can be such a blessing to others with a simple yet timely comment.


By visiting our blog, you can expect postings with a wide array of topics. You can find our blog categories on the left navigational menu.  We want this blog to become a true resource for pastors, ministers and workers and Christians in general.  But, we need your help! For this blog to be effective, you have to be a key part of the process.  So please post your edifying comments and share your experiences with us and others.  Join us at the Table by posting comments or submit a blog entry for consideration. I am sure you will be a blessing to others as others can be a blessing to you. Let’s chat.

Roberto Ponce is Associate Vice President of Marketing and Recruitment at Ashland Theological Seminary. He can be reached at jponce@ashland.edu 


  1. My dear friend Roberto: Congratulations for this blog! I’m sure it will help for God’s purposes and be sure I’ll visiting it and posting some comments. Best regards!

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