DJuana Drew
By DJuana Drew
Some would say yes, but I say no. Let me explain.
To change can mean to make the form or nature of something different than it was previously. I can change my mind, change clothes, change direction and change my behavior. An animal called a chameleon can change its color to match its background, making itself invisible to predators. People change jobs, partners, cars, their minds, cell phone carriers and a myriad of other things in their lives. Interestingly enough, the word transformation is used to define the word change (when the word “into” is added). I believe the word transformation suggests a deeper meaning.
If one simply looks at the dictionary definition, the words change and transform are almost interchangeable. The word change is used to define the word transform. In either definition, a difference occurs because something that was one way has become something else. So what, you ask? Thank you for asking that question!
Paul says in Romans 12:1-2 that a transformation can occur if we choose to renew our minds.